Reid School
(801) 466-4214

August 23 – May 16
8:15 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Reid School

2965 East Evergreen Ave.

Salt Lake City, Utah 84109

Reid School

(801) 466-4214

8:15 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Parents smile for a photo at the Mini-Olympics and Spring Carnival.

Parents smile for a photo at the Mini-Olympics and Spring Carnival.

Parent and Student Reviews

Committed to Individual Development

Our daughter Brinklee Ermini has attended the Reid school for the past 10 years.  We could not be more delighted with the quality education Brinklee has received from day one.  Not only has Brinklee flourished personally, as well as academically, she has recieved the skills, mindset, dedication, and grit to move forward confidently in her pursuit for further academic success. It is without question that the skills, dedication, and beliefs that the Reid School embodies have prepared her undeniably for a bright future.  As graduation approaches, we say goodbye with a heavy heart knowing her Reid School days are over.  However, we are overjoyed knowing that she has recieved a level of education, and experience that will support, and foster every future chapter she writes, and it all started at The Reid School.

— Brandon and Gelsey Ermini

We first learned of Reid School when we were returning to Utah after living in California.  Our older daughter Lauren had attended a semester of 1st grade in California but because her birthday falls on the age cutoff for Utah, the public schools would have required her to repeat 1st grade.  We were delighted to learn of a school (Reid School) with a level learning structure that would allow Lauren to continue studying at her learning level, not at her age level.  It was a double bonus when we discovered our younger daughter Rachel could also attend pre-school at Reid School.  At the time, we thought our daughters would be at Reid School for one year before transferring to a local public school.

It is now 9 years later; Lauren has since graduated, and Rachel is preparing to graduate from Reid School in May.  While we are so sad to see Rachel leave Reid School, we are eternally grateful for Dr. Ethna Reid, the education system she developed, and all the amazing teachers and friends who have played such an important role in our daughters lives.  We feel so blessed to have found a safe and intimate school where every teacher and administrator knows every child.  It was not uncommon for students to walk the hallways at Reid School and have Dr. Reid or other teachers comment on the poem they had written the night before.  Dr. Reid created an extraordinary environment where the details of every child play an important role in their education and ability to learn.  It is within this amazing structure students develop a great love of reading, writing, poetry, Shakespeare, art, history, music, and math.  From the artwork displayed in the hallways, to the talent shows, poem reciting, mini Olympics, Shakespeare play, mastery test parties, Halloween carnival, NJHS, middle school trips, Mock Trial, awards ceremonies and everything in between, Reid School is unmatched by any other school in Utah.

One of the most inspiring things we have watched as our daughters have attended Reid School is how they have been able to make life-lasting friends.  The small classroom size has allowed students to befriend everyone at school in all grade levels, this includes children they might not have otherwise known.  Our daughter Lauren still talks about how with school uniforms, everyone starts off at an equal level.  She has many times expressed her gratitude that she was able to make such good and close friends that she is still in contact with today, even after having attended different schools for several years.

While we are sad for Rachel to leave Reid School, we know that Reid School has given Rachel and all of the graduating students the foundation and confidence needed to successfully graduate to High School and beyond.  The life-long friendships with fellow students and teachers have and will continue well beyond the doors of Reid School.

For those of you just beginning at Reid School or graduating to the middle school level, you have so many incredible learning experiences ahead of you.  Participate in as many activities as you can and treasure the tremendous educational journey Reid School provides.

— The Crockett Family – Mark, Judy, Lauren & Rachel

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